A USF.SPORT camera enables clubs, trainers and players to take the best shots to share and improve the images.

let's play friends watching a football match together on a phone usf.sport

USF.SPORT is the market leader in software for automatic filming and streaming of matches and training. Because our software runs on specific standard hardware, USF.SPORT can manage and easily scale a global camera system.

United Sports Friends

The abbreviation 'USF' stands for United Sport Friends and indicates that we are happy to share our passion for sport with the clubs, trainers, players and fans who use our automatic camera systems. In addition, the management consists of three very sporty friends.

photo of Kevin Vink in a football outfit
photo of Harmen Donker at sea
Our core values

We consider standards and values to be of paramount importance, after all, we deal with images of various athletes on a daily basis. This is also reflected in our core values:


We are athletes for athletes and understand from our passion and sports experience what active athletes and spectators find important.


Our images, analyzes and advice are objective and not manipulated.


Our technology is reliable, up-to-date, innovative and independent of hardware suppliers.


We go to great lengths to make it possible to record and make the images available, if necessary in the evening and at the weekend.

Our brand values

There are more companies that make automatic camera images possible, but there is only one with the passion of USF.SPORT. Our brand values are therefore:

For the clubs

Based on our passion and sports background, we make the sport more fun together with the club board, trainers, players and spectators and we provide 'club support': capturing sport highlights and memories for all.


We offer a wide range of innovative possibilities to enjoy your sport and to improve the team and yourself.


We make real connections with clubs, athletes and spectators.

Here is a small selection of clubs where we are already active.